By: Yumiko Yukino, Yoshi Ueno and Shigeki Suezaki
Originally Published In: Japan
Format: paperback
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 38
Lines per page: 1-8
Price per book: $5.25
Luka® can read all 20 of these books!
This adorable series 三个淘气包 (sān gè táo qì bāo)Three Mischief Makers, masterfully translated from the original in Japanese, follows the mysterious and action-packed adventures of three children: 小贤,小浩和久美。 Whenever the three mischief makers are together at a place as ordinary as a playground, a park or a swimming pool, something very unusual happens, and the kids end up on an extraordinary adventure...
We love this set of books because:
- The detailed, adorable illustrations, done in a Japanese style of animation, immediately attract kids' attention.
- Evidence of Japanese culture flows throughout these books, inviting young readers to become curious about other cultures and learn to appreciate differences in architecture, holidays, clothing, etc.
- The characters are Asian children--a typically under-represented group in children's books.
- Plots progress primarily through conversations among the three kids, thus the text is overwhelmingly common language relevant to a child's everyday (sometimes imaginary!) life.
- Every page is fully illustrated. The text on each page varies between 1 and 8 short lines. It is a perfect reading level before introducing a child to chapter books.
- Kids love the engaging and suspense-filled stories which encourage spontaneous play and boundless imaginations.
- The three "mischief makers" are incredibly relatable and endearing. Friendly, hard-working, adventurous and helpful, they are scared of the dark, yet love to explore.
- The series has won multiple books awards in Japan and China.
- Luka reads 14 books out of this 20 book set, providing an engaging listening resource for children who cannot read independently.
Book titles: 三个淘气包 (sān gè táo qì bāo)Three Mischief Makers
《装鬼吓唬人》The Ghosts Are Here
《海底探险》Ocean Exploration
《沙坑里的沙漠》The Desert in the Sand Box
《忍者游戏》The Ninja Game
《快下雨吧》Rain, Rain, Come On!
《金银岛》The Island of Gold and Silver
《捉迷藏》Hide and Seek
《恐龙探险》Dinosaur Adventure
《下雪的日子》The Snowy Day
《小人国游记》The Land of the Lilliputians
《快跑小火车》Run Away, Little Train
《圣诞快乐》Merry Christmas
《草地上的热带丛林》The Jungle on the Lawn
《机器人乐园》The Land of the Robots
《魔法地毯》The Magic Rug
《晴天娃娃》The Sunny-day Dolls
《橡子祭典》The Acorn Ceremony
《泥人国》 The Nation of Clay People
《奇幻甜品店》The Fantastic Desert Shop
《秘密基地》The Secret Lair
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 5+ will enjoy having all 20 books read to them by Luka® .
"Read by myself":
The fast-paced plot and expressive illustrations and limited text will entice emerging readers, ages 7+.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves.
Happy learning!