By: Moonlight Publisher, 接力出版社(Translated)
Originally Published in: France
Format: Paperback with several transparent plastic pages in each book
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 30
Lines per page: 0-7
Luka® can read these books!
26 books from this collection can be read by Luka.
This beautifully illustrated classic interactive Chinese book series My First Discovery 第一次发现 (dì yī cì fā xiàn) from Germany has been translated into 28 languages and sold 55 millions copies worldwide. In the 10 years after this series was translated into Chinese, it has remained on the best seller list in mainland China. And it will be a favorite for your Chinese book collection. The books are informational and can have up to 7 sentences on each page. Your children would likely keep and return to this set in the years to come.
Discover which dinosaur was as long as two buses, which dinosaur could fly, and where dinosaurs laid their eggs.
Where does the fire in volcanoes come from? How does magma find its way to the Earth's surface? What is the Earth's crust? What does a volcanologist do?
Flip the glassy, transparent pages to see the inside of a volcano erupt!
The 第一次发现 (dì yī cì fā xiàn) set includes the following 30 titles especially selected for school age children.
《藏在家里的动物》(Cáng zài jiā lǐ de dòng wù”) Animals Hidden in Your Home
《会隐藏的动物》(Huì yǐn cáng de dòng wù) The Hidden Animals
《恐龙》(Kǒng lóng) Dinosaurs
《蛋的秘密》(Dàn de mì mì) The Secret of Eggs
《七星瓢虫》(Qī xīng piáo chóng) Ladybugs
《蝴蝶》(Hú dié) Butterflies
《好看的花儿》(Hǎo kàn de huā er) Beautiful Flowers
《熊猫》(Xióng māo) Pandas
《丛林里的动物》(Cóng lín lǐ de dòng wù) Forest Animals
《有壳的动物》(Yǒu ké de dòng wù) Animals with Shells
《地下的动物》(Dì xià de dòng wù) Underground Animals
《火车》(Huǒ chē) Trains
《船》(Chuán) Boats
《消防车》(Xiāo fáng chē) Fire Trucks
《飞机》(Fēi jī) Airplanes
《工具箱》(Gōng jù xiāng) Toolbox
《天空和地面》(Tiān kōng hé dì miàn) The Sky and the Ground
《地形和地貌》(Dì xíng hé dì mào) Terrain and Landform
《月球》(Yuè qiú) The Moon
《地球》(Dì qiú) The Earth
《火山》(Huǒ shān) Volcano
《沙漠》(Shā mò) Desert
《光线》(Guāng xiàn) Lights
《甜甜的糖》(Tián tián de táng) Sweet Sweets
*《生命是怎么来的》(Shēng mìng shì zěn me lái de) How a Life Starts*
*《小动物的出生》(Xiǎo dòng wù de chū shēng) Born of Baby Animals*
*《辛勤的喂养》(Xīn qín de wèi yǎng) Hardworking Animal Parents*
*《动物宝宝这样长大》(Dòng wù bǎo bǎo zhè yàng zhǎng dà) Growing Animal Babies*
*PLEASE NOTE: LUKA does NOT read these books in Chinese*
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 6+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
Although the texts are short, the vocabularies are expansive and not repetitive. There are also some scientific and technical terms. Children may be able to read this set independently if they know about 1000+ Chinese characters. It will definitely help build a beginner readers vocabulary.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!