By: 杨红樱
Originally Published In: China
Format: Paperback
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 212
Lines per page: 1-9 conversation bubbles
The bright colors and exciting illustrations make this series hard for young readers to put down!
淘气包马小跳 (Táo Qì Bāo Mǎ Xiǎo Tiào) Ma Xiaotiao, also known as Mo's Mischief in English, is a series of children's books written by the awardwinning Chinese author Yang Hongying, first published in 2003. The books revolve around the protagonist 马小跳 (Mǎ Xiǎo Tiào), a student in a normal elementary school in China. The plots mainly feature special events or stories about him and his friends, be it at home, in school, or anywhere else.
Ma is typically considered the troublemaker in class. He is playful. He will only do what he likes and is unwilling to study--which often gets him into trouble with his teacher and the class monitor. However, Ma is generally a very sociable person; he is honest, trustworthy, helpful and has a vivid imagination. In short, he is a charismatic character that any young reader will instantly love!
Book Titles: 淘气包马小跳 (Táo qì bāo mǎ xiǎo tiào)
《淘气包马小跳: 贪玩老爸》(Tān wán lǎo bà) Ma Xiaotiao: Best Dad Ever
《淘气包马小跳: 轰隆隆老师》(Hōng lóng lóng lǎo shī) Ma Xiaotiao: Teacher Hong Long Long
《淘气包马小跳: 笨女孩安琪儿》(Bèn nǚ hái ān qí' ér) Ma Xiaotiao: Silly Girl An Qi'er
《淘气包马小跳: 四个调皮蛋》(Sì gè tiáo pí dàn) Ma Xiaotiao: Four Troublemakers
《淘气包马小跳: 同桌冤家》(Tóng zhuō yuān jiā) Ma Xiaotiao: Teacher's Pet
《淘气包马小跳: 暑假奇遇》(Shǔ jià qí yù) Ma Xiaotiao: Pesky Monkeys
《淘气包马小跳: 天真妈妈》(Tiān zhēn mā mā) Ma Xiaotiao: Best Mom Ever
《淘气包马小跳: 漂亮女孩夏林果》(Piào liang nǚ hái xià lín guǒ) Ma Xiaotiao: Best Friends
《淘气包马小跳: 丁克舅舅》(Dīng kè jiù jiu) Ma Xiaotiao: Super Cool Uncle
《淘气包马小跳: 宠物集中营》(Chǒng wù jí zhōng yíng) Ma Xiaotiao: Pet Parade
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 7+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
The limited text per page and the prevalence of common language make it a good "bridge book" for readers. The involved plot and detailed illustrations will capture the interest of experienced readers ages 8+.
Happy learning!