Originally Published in: United States
Format: Hardcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 32
Lines per page: 1-6
Audio book: Available by QR code on book
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金发姑娘和三头恐龙 (jīn fā gū niáng hé sān tóu kǒng lóng ) Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs.
Another triumph by the brilliant Mo Willems! This original take on the fairy-tale classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears has been masterfully translated into Chinese & will leave your family “roaring”. Once upon a time, there were three hungry dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. One day, for no particular reason, they decided to tidy their house nice and neat, make their beds all cozy and comfortable, & prepare delicious chocolate pudding of varying temperatures. They placed their chairs just so and went “someplace else”. Let's be clear, they were definitely not setting up a trap for some succulent, poorly supervised little girl called Goldilocks who may wander by. Definitely not!
Is my child ready for this set?
"Read to me":
Ages 3+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.
"Read by myself":
The limited text per page and the prevalence of common language make it a good "bridge book" for readers. The involved plot and detailed illustrations will capture the interest of experienced readers ages 3-7.
Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese!
Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.
Happy learning!