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Bear Hunt & Bear Goes To Town 2-book Collection

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Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Luka Chinese book reading robotBear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony BrownBear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt & Bear Goes To Town 2-book CollectionBear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown Bear Hunt Bear Goes To Town 捉小熊 小熊进城 Chinese children Book 9787550232112 Anthony Brown

By: Anthony Brown,阿甲 (translator)
Originally Published in: United Kingdom
Format: Hardcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Pages per book: 32
Lines per page: 1-5
Price per book: $16.25
Audio book: Available by QR code on books
Luka® can read this book!
捉小熊(zhuō xiǎo xióng) Bear Hunt Audio Book

In these two selected classic 小熊系列 (xiǎo xióng xì liè) books, celebrated British author Anthony Browne uses simple language to convey sophisticated humor. Your Chinese-learning children will love to read about this unshakeable little white bear who draws himself into and out of adventures with a magic pencil.

A wild ride full of suspense and surprise in 捉小熊(zhuō xiǎo xióng) Bear Hunt and 小熊进城 (xiǎo xióng jìn chéng) Bear Goes To Town, encourage children to use imagination and a sense of humor to help solve problems.    

捉小熊(zhuō xiǎo xióng) Bear Hunt 

One day Bear goes for a walk in the woods. Two hunters drive up and as soon as they see Bear they begin to devise a myriad of ways to catch him. However, each time Bear is nearly caught, he starts starts to draw. Everything Bear draws comes to life!  Oh, No!  At last, bear is caught under a cage.  Wait, he is drawing again…

These  unique illustrations are full of details and surprises, the text is short and simple (one line a page) , the Chinese translation is masterful and musical, and the plot is full of suspense. It is a perfect book to create a highly engaging and interactive reading experience: encourage your child to look for hidden items in the background and use their imagination to think of different ways that Bear could escape. Ask the question as you turn the pages:“ What do you think Bear will draw? “

小熊进城 (xiǎo xióng jìn chéng) Bear Goes To Town

Bear goes for a walk through town and meets a friendly cat. Bear draws the cat a feast. After the cat devours the meal, bear and cat take a walk along the street. Suddenly, the cat is kidnapped by an evil man in black and locked in a truck! Bear draws himself a pair of roller skates and follows the truck to a mysterious warehouse. Bear discovers that a group of other farm animals are imprisoned there with the cat! Bears draws one escape after another as prison guards in black frantically chase the jail breakers. Finally, Bear draws a beautiful pasture for all the animals to live in without having to worry about being made into meals or locked up…

Simplistic text paired with vivid pictures tell an impactful story sure to enchant any adventurous child! 

Book titles: 

《捉小熊》Bear Hunt
《小熊进城》Bear Goes To Town

Is my child ready for this set?

"Read to me":
Ages 3+ will enjoy having these books read to them either by Luka® or a caregiver.

"Read by myself"
The limited text per page and the prevalence of common language from daily life make it a good "bridge book" for readers. The involved plot and detailed illustrations will capture the interest of experienced readers, ages 7+.

Option to pair with Luka®:
Consider adding Luka®, the reading robot, to your order. Luka® reads 70,000 books in Mandarin Chinese! 

Set Luka® in front of the book, and it will read aloud any page your child turns to-- creating a unique, independent physical book reading experience even if your child isn't ready to read by themselves. Click to read our founders' personal review of Luka here.

Happy learning!  



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